Healthy Snacks for Work

chopping veggie snacks

Whether you work from home or head into the office, managing what snacks to eat throughout the day can be a source of frustration. Maybe you overeat out of boredom, or maybe you’re hungry because you can’t find the time to grab a bite. Regardless of your situation, it’s important to have a good arsenal of snacks ready to keep you nourished. After all, you’re more productive on a full stomach, and unhealthy junk will leave you groggy. Healthy snacks are a must, and these are a few of our favorites.

1. Veggies.

Cut these up ahead of time so you can grab them in a rush and choose vegetables that you like. Maybe it’s celery and carrots, or maybe it’s broccoli and cherry tomatoes. Add in a dip like hummus or peanut butter for some extra flavor and protein.

2. Fruit.

An apple, banana, berries, or whatever you’re feeling. Fruit is easy, healthy, and feels like a treat. This is definitely a favorite! Many, like blueberries, contain rich antioxidants. For a quick breakfast, you can even toss them together in freezer smoothie packs.

3. Protein bars.

With endless options on the market, you’re bound to find one you like. Protein bars will help keep you full when lunch gets pushed back or you need a dense snack. Packed with nutritious granola and even other ingredients like chia seeds (full of omega-3 fatty acids!), you can try several kinds until you land on one you love!

4. Greek yogurt.

Another great source of protein, Greek yogurt is a quick and easy choice that requires no prep. Add in some granola, berries, or honey if you like.


At work, food usually isn’t a top priority. That’s totally fine, but it’s important to fuel your body well for optimal brain function. Keep these healthy, simple snacks around – you won’t regret it.

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