Huma Farook created her brand at the age of 16 — little did she realize that her teen passion would turn into a booming business!
Huma is the creator and CEO of Saf Soap, now rebranded as Nur Naturals. She not only creates within her company, she also markets, manages, and ships her products herself.
Huma had a passion for creating soap as a teen, but when she became a mother of a beautiful daughter, her passion became a responsibility. Huma said she once purchased soap products, but after having her daughter, she questioned the safety of such products. The resolution of soaps containing so many acids made her realize she didn’t want to rub those chemicals into her daughter’s skin.
Nur Naturals contain pure natural supplements such as goat milk, lavender, and coconut — no colors or dyes. The brand markets their original soap “Saf Soap”, as well as face masks and oils.
The company name “Nur” was named after her daughter Nafisa Nur Jennah. Huma says on her site “My vision for a company has changed as I have become a mother. I have decided to rebrand to Nur Naturals. Only products I would use on my own child will I create and craft. Nafisa Nur Jennah is my Blessing. I know Nur Naturals Products need to be the best there is, Why? Simply put because I use them or the ingredients on my own daughter. Nafisa uses the Beard Balm on her Abba and sneaks some on her hair when he gets ready for the day, and I use Oshuns Glow Body Oil on her after showers to give her a mini massage“.
Huma’s natural healings are not just of soap, but caters to women as healing in their bodies. Her company offers nipple butter to Yoni steams which are good for the vagina and womb.
Who Should Do a Yoni Steam?
Yoni steaming is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body and reignite your vibrance. We encourage most women to try a yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam)! You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy if you suffer from irregular or painful periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perennial tears, bladder and yeast infections, vaginal or ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids or scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.
Huma Farook is bringing back tradition; she discussed how her mother explained to her that in India, women taking care of their bodies is essential.
“Growing up my mom would always tell me, 40 days after having a child you don’t leave the house. Women bring you food and come to your house and take care of you“. Huma received confirmation of the importance of bringing back culture when she spoke to a friend who explained that they did the same thing in Mexico.
Huma’s business takes a lot of research on natural product blending to create facial masks and more. When Huma did more research on chemicals like antiperspirants, she discovered that they include metals and that many other products include chemicals that is the culprit behind lots of the health issues that we run into today.

The hardest part for Huma in building her business is balancing everything. She keeps sticky notes to keep her on track.
Huma has a Master’s in Education and has taught history both in Chicago and Indiana; however, Huma walked away from her teaching position to raise their daughter.
Huma felt that it made more sense that if she taught many other children, why would she not ensure the time to teach her own. Huma and her husband, who is the principal of Chicago’s Chatham Academy, also manages East Rise Stock Club, which educates on stock acquirement and management.
Being a stay-at-home mom and a Business Boss allows Huma to capture so many personal moments with their child — she wishes many other moms were able to see with their own children.
Huma is the definition of female empowerment, managing her family and business, and ensuring health, all at the same damn time (in my 2chainz voice)!
If you want to rejuvenate your body and learn more about natural health, “Nur Naturals” is online at
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